I like books and I always wanted to have my own library in my house. Starting from last year I was introduced by another book loving friend of mine to this book shop called PayLess Book Store which sells cheap used books.
So far I've good number of books collection to start a small library. It's satisfying coming back from work and to look at the books. I'm also using this as part of my strategy to motivates my 2 kids to love reading.
So far I've good number of books collection to start a small library. It's satisfying coming back from work and to look at the books. I'm also using this as part of my strategy to motivates my 2 kids to love reading.
Bulat,byk jugak collection bulat ya....good job...min pun tgh buat collection buku ni...ingat nanti balik pun nak buat library dlm rumah..tp nampaknya so far buka masak ja yg banyak...:)
I have one at home. My wish - nak buat built-in shelves.
I buy children's books at Payless. Kalau rajin & sabar mencari, one will find a good bargain.
salam min,
take pe ..banyak buku masak makananye pandai masak ...nanti balik malaysia ..leh buat sessi masak-memasak
mdm principal,
I do notice quite a number of children's book at Payless. And durig their Mega Stock Clearance you can get as cheap as RM 1.
Saya pun ada my tiny library... And novels jek yang banyak kat situ... :D
read books at the book store only...
SALAM CIKLIAH .novel pun bagus gak ..boleh merehatkan minda ...tapi jangan sampai keluar air mata sebab menjiwai watak dlm novel tu ..hehehe
Bro Adi,
I really think you should start to have your own collection of book and It's not expensive.
Rizal aka Bulat,
hehe..tak semestinya pandai masak...i'm trying to collect Gordon Ramsay's, Jamie Oliver's, etc books ..kalau boleh...what kind pf book s u like? kot2 terjumpa kat sini boleh ja min belikan...
p/s: kat payless tu mmg murah ke?location??
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