What a game it was. 15th innings and yes it was the longest in the history of MLB. Not like the previous All-Star game where starters were getting all the attention, it's the reliever and bench that is providing the whole story.
As a firm supporter to the Red Sox organization, I'm proud and happy for JD Drew (the man of the moment) for being selected as the MVP for All-Star game 2008. Contribution from Youkilis and Pedroia was really outstanding. Manny is being Manny and Papplebon while being booed by the Yankees fan manage to get the job done.
Alo Bro..Mcm2 game ko minat yer..tapi bnyak international game..skali2 jomlah main takraw...
abang rentap ...pasang je net ...nanti aku bawak bola ...
Rizal, I notice that there are no email address on your blog. I think it is wise to let others see your email address. Have a nice day.
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