I've been toying with this idea for quiet a moon now without seriously implementing it. What is it all about ??? It's my version of contingency end of the month SOS saving.
For the past few years I've noticed that during the 20th day of every month which is 4 to 5 days to PAYDAY the feeling of "I'M SHORT OF RM SUPPLY" is so obvious even a 10 cents looks very important (i'm serious niiii).
So what I've planned with my other half is to start this 2oth FUND where each of us will contribute (for a start RM 100 each) and that contribution will go straight into the fund and only to be used starting on the 20th day of the month ...
At least ...between 20th day to PAYDAY ..we'll have an extra of RM 200. That's better that nothing ...much much better.
For the past few years I've noticed that during the 20th day of every month which is 4 to 5 days to PAYDAY the feeling of "I'M SHORT OF RM SUPPLY" is so obvious even a 10 cents looks very important (i'm serious niiii).
So what I've planned with my other half is to start this 2oth FUND where each of us will contribute (for a start RM 100 each) and that contribution will go straight into the fund and only to be used starting on the 20th day of the month ...
At least ...between 20th day to PAYDAY ..we'll have an extra of RM 200. That's better that nothing ...much much better.
Hi Rizal,
What a great idea. $200.00 can stretch a long way.
Thanks for the visit. Ini lawatan balas dari Boston :))
Good idea!!
Hi Rizal,
That's a great idea.
This is my first visit to your blog, and I wonder if that is a picture of your house in the sidebar on the top right.
My attention was drawn especially to the interior view. One of the things I like most about Malaysian houses are the floors: they always seem so cool, just right for the climate.
Rizal, you do have a great blog there.
This idea of yours is a good one. I did it once and it works perfect when you really need money most.
Have a nice day and take care.
Hi kak anasalwa,
Welcome and I hope this will not be your last visit.
Hi sri,
You've been my inspiration in the world of fugalism. Keep sharing your idea. Yet to try the battery in the fridge method.
Hi louis,
Your visit to my blog do means a lot. Jalan Rebung is the name of the road where my house is located. And you are right it's the pic of my house. I'm not really a good interior guy ..hopefullu you colud drop me few tips.
Salam Pak Idrus,
The fund will be most helpful especially during the current economic situation. Hope it will works.
Hi Rizal
Tq so much, never think about it
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