The big brother is the chief installer of the day

It has been nearly 2 months since my last posting. And it's nothing related to lack of imagination or ideas but more to giving extra attention to Wafi Hanani , our latest addition to the family. Probably due to the football addiction of the father , she decided to come out from her hiding during the first day of World Cup where vuvuzela was dominating the scene in South Africa.
My last newborn experience was 8 years ago and the 'sabbatical leave' means that baby Wafi is like my first baby (8 years is a long time ...). Waking up at 2 am consistently taking care of Wafi is an interesting experience and doing that while enjoying the live football from South Africa is PRICELESS.
I can't wait for the time where baby Wafi is big enough for us to continue our traveling activities which will be very different since the member count is now 5.