Pasar Malam or Night Market has been always fun and interesting. I've met one tourist from Europe and according to her the best place to get the local feel at one go will be Pasar Malam and I'm totally agree with her on that.
But going to this Pasar Malam in Berinchang, Cameron Highland add a little bit of twist. Yes it's like a normal night market where you will find almost everything especially foods but in Berinchang please add another item that is the temperature. I'm not saying that it's very cold as in minus degree but at least it's cooler than most of the places in Malaysia. And the vegetables are very fresh.
Rizal, are you sure Brinchang is in Genting Highland. I think it is still in Cameron Highland, unless it has moved!
salam Pak Idrus,
Thanks for the correction. I think that is the effect of blogging after nearly a month missing from the blogsphere!!!!
last i went there when i was 12years old..hopefully i'll be there soon..Liverpool dok hmbat MU kejar title epl lak..CL/FA bungkus..(hopefully messi kasik mess itu the blues defender this coming match)
salam mat,
You should revisit Berinchang ...the coolest pasar malam in Malaysia la .
Messi will be messup kot ...hehehe
I had the some of the best fresh boiled corn in my life straight out of a pot at a stall just behind that green one behind you in the picture. Later that night, I enjoyed delicious fresh vegetables in a steamboat on the other side of that road. And some time inbetween, Cameron Highlands strawberries, scones and clotted cream at that English style hotel famous for it.
Those are some of my memories of an unforgettable weekend some Penang friends took my wife and myself for in the Cameron Highlands. Cameronian Boh tea is still my favorite: I treasure the packets of it Pak Idrus and Asmah so thoughtfully sent us as a Christmas present last year.
Our Penang hosts had told us it would be cold: well, it was refreshingly cool :)
Hi Louis...
Now that is a surprise and I'm glad that you still could remember the exact location ....Probably we could plan your next trip to CH together ...
Boss,cameron highland nowadays are pretty scary due to the water resources.
i wonder the freshness of the vegetables in cameron highlands??
Emm...cemana ekk?
salam nadia aka mama blogger,
Not sure about that probelm ...tapi much better than the vege in Meru !!!
kita sarupa....hehehe
salam mat,
not sure hang refer kat apa ??? tapi if you're talking about Champions League ...ok la ..next year kita try lagi ...
Seronoknya hijau sayur menyelerakan...........
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