Happy new year to everybody and guess what we have a new price tag for sugar and yes it's 20 cents more than last year. Hmmm one thing that surely will happen after the new pricing implementation is the domino effect to other product especially related to sugar...
I had a nice teh tarik yesterday and it's up by 20 cents and because it was soooo goood I've decided not to argue with the teh tarik man but to think about it what is the logic of the price hike. As usual as a normal citizen I'm hoping that the price hike fiesta will be tackled wisely by the authority.... However positively maybe it's time to reduce our normal teh tarik, roti canai and consumption leading to healthier lifestyle.
I had a nice teh tarik yesterday and it's up by 20 cents and because it was soooo goood I've decided not to argue with the teh tarik man but to think about it what is the logic of the price hike. As usual as a normal citizen I'm hoping that the price hike fiesta will be tackled wisely by the authority.... However positively maybe it's time to reduce our normal teh tarik, roti canai and consumption leading to healthier lifestyle.
Change in lifestyle and the cost of living is not easy to accept, but one gets used to the change pretty quickly and many times begins to realize that the change was for the better. Take the laws controlling smoking for instance: it became much more pleasant flying long distances after smoking on planes was banned. In the case of sugar, as you pointed out, less makes for better health. As for the reduction in subsidies, that too is inevitable in a developed country, part of political and economic maturity.
Having said that though I do hope that i will be able to afford an ais kacang on my next visit to Malaysia, and that it will still be at least somewhat sweet :)
Totally agree with and at the end of the day it's all about creating a better and healthier lifestyle.
The ABC (ais kacang) during your next trip will be on me .....
Terima kaseh :)
The weakening ringgit is causing much grief on import of commodity such as sugar. To import a kilo of sugar in 2010 would now need more ringgit than in 2009.
"If you are bitter at heart, sugar in the mouth will not help you" :)
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