Tapah Bus Station and you are correct that's the bus.
The scenery of tea plantation caught from the inside the bus
The bus station at Tanah Rata, Cameron Highland. After 2 and a half hour journey from Tapah.

Me and my other half started our journey from Tapah Bus Station and the journey from Tapah to Cameron Highland took about 2 and a half hours. The ticket was RM 5.70 per person one trip. And as a bonus only 2 of us plus another 4 foreign travellers were in the bus.
For the first time I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the trip , which I could not have when I'm driving. I'm planning to have another similar trip probably in 2 months time and this time the 2 kids will be in the list.
I have been taken to the Cameron Highlands by friends. Those tea plantations are spectacular. We were able to observe workers picking the tea leaves. What hard work!
The steamboats made with vegetables straight from the fields and the freshly plucked boiled corn, offered at roadside stalls were incomparable.
I shouldn't write this: I am just making myself hungry :)
hi louis,
Nice to know that you've been to Cameron Highland. You might consider to try taking a bus during your next visit.
aiseh boss,jalan2 pi honey moon untuk ke sekian kalinyer ker??
kids x bawak mesti hati ada sikit senang mau bercuti ngan the other half kan?heheeh...
Tq for the book. So thoughtful of you.
hmm... last trip aku pergi CH is back in june'06. blog hang bagi aku macam nak singgah lagi ke sana on my next trip balik kampung :-)
aku dulu ada blog sikit pasal CH. memang best, cuma ada lagi tak bau diesel kuat dan lalat byk?
opss. sorry, typo. bukan june'06. actually june'07.
Bro Rizal...
that is really cool... sometimes kena try gak wat benda2 cam ni.
Your post remind me of my trip to CH about16 years ago while I was a bachelor. Not sure the weather and climate still the same. Hope this place taken care by the authorities and the people too. We need more place like CH and FH
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